Saturday, August 26, 2006

Another quiet evening of dining at the golf course. Terrible food, but the view's good. And it's so much fun to sit and mock the duffers trying desperately to land their shots somewhere near the green. Not to mention watching them putt. We spotted one guy in position for his final approach shot and thought it odd that there'd be a single guy allowed to play. Usually they'll get added to some other group. Then, all became clear as the other three members of his foursome emerged from the woods on either side of the fairway, shaking their heads. Each dropped a shiny new ball and carried on. Into the brush just short of, not to mention to one side of, the green. And people find this relaxing?

The good news for today is that Richard Ford's got a new novel coming out in October! Another slice of Frank Bascombe's life. If you're not up on Frank's adventures, run out right now and buy "The Sportswriter" and "Independence Day". Have them read by October. Your life will be vastly enriched by the experience, trust me. If you finish your assignment early, feel free to carry on with "A Multitude of Sins" or "Women with Men".


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