Sunday, April 16, 2006

Well, that's different. Black and white. What a concept. I haven't done much, yet, with the digital version of black and white, but it's something I intend to work on. In my blissful ignorance of the technology, I originally thought it would be simple. Oops. Not. Or, maybe it is, and my blissful ignorance is just getting in my way.

This, of course, is one of the greatest things about digital photography. A camera, a copy of Photoshop (or, for the simple-minded like me, Photoshop Elements), and away you go. Experiment your brains out! Push every menu option and see what happens. Don't like it? Undo. Can you imagine trying to do all this in a "traditional" darkroom?

The photo, by the way, is of Diamond Head, up in Garibaldi Provincial Park. It was taken from up on the Gargoyles.


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